The instrumentation at the service of materials

Matériau Ingénierie combines the indispensable skills needed to develop, manufacture and maintain the testing solutions that we offer.


Legal notice

Business specialising in the development of measuring instruments for the testing of materials. Limited Liability Company (LLC) with a variable capital of 7 650€.
SIRET NR : 435 279 237 00034
TVA NR : FR55 435 279 237

Managing Director:

Email :

Publication editor:

Commission for Data Protection and Liberties Entry Number :

Company headquarter:
Vallon de Fontanes 
2, rue des Acacias
30520 Saint-Martin-de-Valgalgues 

Phone: +33 (0)4 66 92 20 60


Integration and technical realization:

Bruno Dernier - Webmaster
Write to: contact

Graphic realization:

Matthieu Dernier - Graphic designer
Write to: contact


116, route de Meylan
38330 Biviers

SIRET: 443 710 785 00017


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The reproduction of all or any part of this site, on any medium whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without prior authorisation. Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited. The names of MI-Tech, Sodemat, JPS MIE, Sonalyse and Phi-Tech are the exclusive property of Matériau Ingénierie. Their use is only permitted with the prior agreement of Matériau Ingénierie.

This site may contain links to other independent third-party Web sites that are not under the control of Matériau Ingénierie. These linked sites are provided solely as a convenience and Matériau Ingénierie is not responsible and does not endorse the content and usage of such linked sites.

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Data protection:

In compliance with current data protection laws, you have the right to access, modify, correct or delete all personal information relating to you by sending your request exclusively by e-mail. Matériau Ingénierie commits to taking all necessary measures to ensure the protection of all personal data handled by us, and specifically to prevent it being disclosed to unauthorised third parties.


Matériau Ingénierie

Vallon de Fontanes
2, rue des Acacias
30520 Saint-Martin-de-Valgalgues

Téléphone : +33 (0)4 66 92 20 60