We calibrate our instruments
For instruments of product ranges that we are directly responsable (MI-Tech, Sodemat, JPS MIE, Sonalyse) we offer « calibrations » including the following operations :
- Calibration : use of adapted procedures. We choose the calibration points depending on the use of the instrument.
- Ajustment : ajustment is only made if the calibration values are outside the manufacturer or the customer specifications.
- Verification : we verified that the adjustment allowed the compliance of the calibrated instrument. If the performed adjustment doesn't allow the metrological conformity of the instrument, the return for repair in our workshop is imperative.
- Affixing a label : it certify the metrological operations carried out and indicate the intervention date, the technician name, and the intervention reference.
- Writing of a calibration certificate : it resumes, in addition to the general informations about the instrument, all measuring points made during the intervention and the corrections made. It incorporates the eventual remarks about the instrument.