The instrumentation at the service of materials

Matériau Ingénierie combines the indispensable skills needed to develop, manufacture and maintain the testing solutions that we offer.

Example of quality control with a CCD camera

Simple control the transparency of plastic covers by industrial camera.

To control statistically production, SP Plast company local plastic injection (Molières on Céze) asked Matériau Ingénierie the realization of a simple bench for measuring transparent plastic covers.

This bench using a camera and a light box (to obtain a calibrated light) compares the transparency of products covers the lids referenced by the client.

The parameters of the camera and lighting system are set to not saturate the CCD in direct lighting.

By measuring the intensity of light received by the camera when it passes through a cover reference and comparing it across the sample, we are able to obtain a quantitative and reproducible measurement of the transparency of sample.

The average transparency measures for each lot is then reported quantitatively to the reference, which allows both to validate the lot and desuivre any drift process.

 Dr François FESQUET   


Thanks to SP Plast company (  

  • News

    New product : anti-vibrations table

    In collaboration with Technirapide Midi, distributor of aluminium profiles and accesories, we have developed a system of completely modular anti-vibration tables for the realization of high-precision weighing.

    Visit the page of our new product for more information.


Matériau Ingénierie

Vallon de Fontanes
2, rue des Acacias
30520 Saint-Martin-de-Valgalgues

Téléphone : +33 (0)4 66 92 20 60