The instrumentation at the service of materials

Matériau Ingénierie combines the indispensable skills needed to develop, manufacture and maintain the testing solutions that we offer.

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Suscribre to our Youtube to discover regularly videos about our new instruments, tutorials, specific tests carried out by our R&D team but also educational presentations on specific phenomena to polymer and composite materials.

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  • News

    New product : anti-vibrations table

    In collaboration with Technirapide Midi, distributor of aluminium profiles and accesories, we have developed a system of completely modular anti-vibration tables for the realization of high-precision weighing.

    Visit the page of our new product for more information.


Matériau Ingénierie

Vallon de Fontanes
2, rue des Acacias
30520 Saint-Martin-de-Valgalgues

Téléphone : +33 (0)4 66 92 20 60